In Some Other Life

Rating: 4/5

In Some Other Life, though fairly predictable and pretty unsubtle in its themes, is still a really interesting and engaging novel about a high school senior who gets to experience the other side of a “What if…?” The main character, Kennedy, wonders what would happen if she had made a different choice of high schools…cue fall down the stairs, cue waking up in a parallel universe.

As you might expect, this book is about “the grass isn’t always greener on the other side of the fence.” Kennedy quickly discovers that even though things seem perfect, the ripple effect of going to a prestigious private school has significantly altered her family, her friends, and herself (or at least, parallel universe herself). Though the portrayal of the school as a stress-fest where students need to heavily medicate and caffeinate themselves (and cheat) to survive is a little over-the-top, the little snippets of humor and Kennedy’s sheer disbelief at many of the things the parallel-universe reveals help to relieve some of that.

I wouldn’t really call this book particularly unique, but it is fun, engaging, and enjoyable—I devoured most of it in one day, even as I raised my eyebrows in parts and sighed at the heavy-handedness of the ending. It’s a great look at how you shouldn’t worry about the choice you didn’t make or wish for something that you can’t change.

Info: Jessica Brody; published 2017 by Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux

Genre: Young Adult, Realistic

Notes: None.

Recommended Age Range: 14+